Stand-Bys must have a manuscript ready for emailing within forty-eight hours.
Your name will be moved to the bottom of this list if you refuse an offered slot for other than a serious conflict. Three refusals and you lose the Stand-By List benefit.
Once you agree to a slot, your name will be removed from this list. You can then email the Webmaster to get back onto the list if you have more work for review.
There are five brackets within which people are ordered chronologically:
1. Members (usually new members) who have no slots are in the first bracket.
2. Members who haven't yet been scheduled for a second slot are in the second.
3. Members who chose to give up a slot are put into the third bracket.
4. Members who are interested in another slot are added to the fourth bracket.
5. Optimistic members who think there’s a snowball’s chance of even more slots join the fifth bracket.
The Writers